Frequently Asked Questions.

Booking a Campervan, Motorhome or 4WD Camper couldn’t be easier than right here at Compare Campervan Hire! We’ve got all the answers below, but if you need to know more, give us a call!

How Do I Book a Campervan, Motorhome or 4WD Rental Camper?
How Can I contact Compare Campervan Hire?
What is the Minimum Driver Age to hire a Camper or 4WD?
Can I hire a Campervan or 4WD with an Overseas License?
What are the Opening Hours?
How does the Insurance work?
How much is Petrol in Australia?
Where can I hire a Campervan?
Are there any Toll Roads in Australia?
Can I take my Campervan or 4WD anywhere I want?
What do I need to bring when collecting my Campervan or 4WD?
Do you offer any Airport Pickup or Dropoff Services?
Can I extend my Hire while on my roadtrip?
Is Bedding/Linen Provided when I hire a Camper?
Is there a Roadside Assistance service available?
What Happens if I need to cancel my booking?
Can I camp for free in Australia
Are there any tips for campervan roadtrips in Australia
Which Campervan, Motorhome or 4WD should I hire for my trip?
Cheap Campervan Hire Australia

Why Book Your Roadtrip With Compare Campervan Hire?

We’re Experienced!
Here at Compare Campervan Hire our staff have over 15 Years Experience.

We’re The Cheapest!
We pride ourselves on offering the CHEAPEST Campervan Hire in Australia.

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